“I call my clients on their excuses because the excuses, stories and justifications are what’s keeping them from success. We get to the bottom of what’s really going on and build their confidence to reliably perform powerfully.
I don’t let them off the hook that easy—I believe in them, their potential and am solidly committed to getting them to experience the life and success they want.”

In their words, our client experiences…
“Naveed’s style is straightforward—a committed listener and someone that truly wants the best for me. What I was able to accomplish as a result of working with Naveed was not to divorce my business partner-in-life partner. And seeing things from a different view that I did not know before that were a major blindspot.”
“I enjoy that Naveed is very inspired in our brainstorms—my thinking around my business has taken leaps forward as a result. I also like how Naveed is very direct. Recently, he sat in on a staff call of mine and gave me crucial feedback about the casual way I’ve been leading (or barely leading), and I realized the space I was creating was not stable, not demanding, and uninspiring for the team.
I’m really glad that way of leading was interrupted by our conversation after. I remember a while back Naveed called me out on beginning our call late and in a public area—he held me to a standard no one else would. As an entrepreneur, I can go adrift without noticing. Thank you, Naveed, for bringing me back to who I want to be.”
“Working with Naveed was just as incredible for myself as it was for our company. It made a profound difference in my life. Naveed’s style of communicating comes from his listening. Really engaging us as a whole and individually. During our listening, we were able to recreate what we said allowing us to really be heard—some of us for the first time. The style of communicating allowed breakthroughs that were honest, open and without retribution taking all sorts of complaints and coming to a resolution.
The impact has been open communication between us as a company. The complaining from employees has ceased for the most part. No one has anything standing in the way of communicating as a matter of their word. And when we don’t, we have a way to clean it up that allows us to not get hung up.
The time spent with Naveed has given us a workable way to communicate and for me to be accountable in my personal life as well as work. The impact on my relationships is wonderful. I can communicate directly without anything standing in my way. I feel empowered to take stands for the things that really matter in my life. I have noticed my plate got larger. I am able to take on and accomplish more than ever. I am more effective as a leader, a husband and a father. I could never repay Naveed for the contribution he has made to our company, our employees and myself personally.”
“It was an absolute pleasure working with Naveed, and I look forward to the possibility of more work together in the future. I feel very blessed that I was given the opportunity. Naveed has an amazing presence full of charisma and an undeniable sincerity that draws people in to where they are hanging on every word, eager for more. His commitment to excellence is contagious and refreshing! He truly has a gift.
Personally, my communication is more workable. Before working with Naveed, I was living/working in a world full of assumptions. Having the awareness of the importance of communication and the knowledge of how to listen and communicate effectively has truly made a difference at home and at the office. I can’t believe how something so simple can be so effective!”
“Naveed’s quick and ever-present smile will always be remembered. The commitment to human beings to have a breakthrough to being was tangible. His vast array of experience was surprising and enlightening.
I again, became aware that I am inauthentic about being inauthentic. I saw again and again over the three months what I became as human being is not workable and destroys trust. ”